
Our Stories

Is it time to take your mom out of her senior's home?

Posted May 3rd, 2020

A Geriatrician reviews the pros and cons of taking a family member out of a senior's home, like an assisted living facility, during an infection pandemic.

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Talking to an Expert about the Coronavirus

Posted Mar 22nd, 2020

We talk to an expert in infectious diseases about Coronavirus, a new virus that originated in China and has spread to Canada. Social distancing and good hygiene can help to limit the spread and protect older adults and their families.

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What you need to know about your medications - are they anticholinergic?

What you need to know about your medications - are they anticholinergic?

Posted Mar 2nd, 2020

Acetylcholine is a chemical that acts as a neurotransmitter in the body. It has multiple actions, and many medications can block acetylcholine activity. A medication with this property is called "anticholinergic" . It's important to know if you are taking one or more anticholinergic medications if you are an older adult.

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The Vulnerable Brain

The Vulnerable Brain

Posted Feb 22nd, 2020

When a person's brain has undergone changes from dementia, stroke, injury, or other processes, it can be vulnerable to even seemingly minor disruptions in health, like a urinary tract infection or an extra dose of a pain pill. This video defines the "vulnerable brain" and the related concept of frailty, which is more common in older adults, and is frequently seen by the Geriatrician.

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Sex and Dementia - Sex and Seniors Part 3

Sex and Dementia - Sex and Seniors Part 3

Posted Feb 3rd, 2020

When a person develops dementia it can change sexual expression. but what doesn't change is the person's need for affection and comfort. We talk to a sex therapist about how sex can change when the brain changes, and how to create understanding and support for the person and their family.

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What is a Geriatrician?

What is a Geriatrician?

Posted Jan 28th, 2020 in Caring for Yourself, Caring for Others, Prevention, Planning Ahead, Aging Successfully, Is This Normal?

A geriatrician is a specialist medical doctor with certification in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, who provides specialized, comprehensive assessment and care of seniors.

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To Sleep: Perchance to harm?

To Sleep: Perchance to harm?

Posted Jan 14th, 2020 in Caring for Yourself, Aging Successfully

As we age, many of our core beliefs about sleep and rest are simply not true and can be harmful.

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Who needs a Geriatrician?

Who needs a Geriatrician?

Posted Jan 7th, 2020

Geriatricians are specialists in the care of older adults, but they see people of various ages who need a comprehensive review.

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Myths about Geriatrics

Myths about Geriatrics

Posted Jan 7th, 2020

Geriatrics is not just medical care of older people. It involves the care of older adults with syndromes like confusion, incontinence, or falls.

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Should I Stay or Go?

Should I Stay or Go?

Posted Dec 31st, 2019 in Caring for Others, Legal

It may be selfish of a care partner to continue pushing their limits. Taking a break gives people the energy to keep going for the long haul that is dementia care.

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